Author: dvlcoffice
Service Opportunities
WORSHIP SERVANTS Our worship volunteers serve their fellow worshippers by helping our worship flow and extending hospitality so that worship may be meaningfully engaged. Might you be willing to serve? Ushers, greeters, lectors, communion assistants, coffee fellowship, altar guild, choir-all these expressions of service to fellow worshipers can use good and faithful people. Please let…
WORSHIP MEANINGFULLY We are a Lutheran congregation. Not everyone who God leads to worship with us is Lutheran nor needs to be. But the witness of worship is informed and guided by the Lutheran tradition and theology. A variety of liturgies is well to use to make worship engaging and accessible. Where music assists, we…
Welcome Statement
We, Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church (ELCA) believe that God creates every human being in God’s own image endowing each person with sacred worth. We believe that Jesus’ message of love is central to our faith. We believe that the Holy Spirit calls us to value the gifts and graces of each person, to welcome all…