Worship Meaningfully
We are a Lutheran congregation. Not everyone who God leads to worship with us is Lutheran nor needs to be. But the witness of worship is informed and guided by the Lutheran tradition and theology. A variety of liturgies is well to use to make worship engaging and accessible. Where music assists, we will use it. Where arts assist, we will use them. Where arranging our space differently assists, we will do that. Gifted by God, we respond with worship.
Witness Intentionally
Before someone names their ambivalence to ‘witnessing’ with its stigma from other religious expressions, know this: we all cannot help but witness. By the nature of how we live and conduct ourselves and the way in which we treat others we will witness. The question is whether we do so inadvertently, or whether we reflect upon what is conveyed by the words we speak and the manner in which we speak them. The pastor seeks to so encourage and equip us to be capable, and where your respective comfort permits, confident to speak to the significance of your faith in God. Through worship, through teaching, through our stewardship of our resources collectively and personally. Let us tell a good story – God’s story.
Grow Spiritually
The way in which we grow closer to God is not monolithic. For some worship will grow hearts and spirits, for some educational classes will grow mind and strength, for some serving with hands and body stirs deep awareness of the sacred. The truth is paying attention to what helps you see and experience the majesty and mystery of God in new and different ways gives you a chance to pursue that so you may deepen your faith. The ways in which our belief changes as God changes us through mercy, grace, and incarnation are mystery, wonder, and blessing. May DVLC help ourselves and those who come through our doors to grow spiritually.
Serve Purposefully
This is an activity and mark of this church that should be celebrated. But in the Christian life where glory goes to God there are no laurels to speak of on which to rest. We remember and give thanks for the seasons in which the faithful of this place resolutely addressed needs in health care and food insecurity. Where the ethos of being a willing volunteer is visibly present in this congregation, we prayerfully and purposefully encourage ongoing expressions of service when the opportunities arise.
Care Resolutely
Of the many pastoral hats he is privileged to wear, this one robustly feeds your pastor’s spirit. It gladdens his heart to no end that it is indelibly in the marrow and structure of DVLC. Where we bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ, our pastor seeks to accompany and be available and encourage and equip others to be Christ to one another. From Scripture we see time and again Jesus caring resolutely, may we seek to do so as well.
Fellowship Authentically
This group enjoys each other. This can be seen in the vigor with which the passing of the peace goes on and on (and on). Our fellowship committee endeavors to continue traditions that serve us well and entertaining new possibilities for meaningful time together. We aim to cultivate events and opportunities that allow for invitation of others. Trusting that where two or more are gathered, God is with us whether worshiping or coffee sipping.